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 Robintek Featured Product of the Month


With so many ways to manage your business’s online presence from social media to SEO, it‘s easy to become overwhelmed. Robintek offers Full Service SEO and marketing management services to optimize your online presence. Robintek can manage your local content, listings, social pages, media and analytics. By working with our SEO specialists you can make sure that your business has consistent messaging and branding across all platforms and we can help you leverage your brand’s analytics to maximize your business’ online performance.  Click here to learn how! 


Robintek Featured Project of the Month

Tequila Cowboy

Tequila Cowboy offers an exciting experience with dining and a revved up nightlife.  Tequila Cowboy is your one stop party when you come to Nashville, Columbus, or Lansing, with four venues under one rock’n rooftop!

Industry News
What Does Social Media Have To Do With SEO?

Everyone and their brother has a Facebook page now, thus, most businesses out there either have one or have considered the importance of having one.  It’s like eating your vegetables and exercising, we know we need to do it, but sometimes, life just gets in the way.  Can this have a bigger effect on your website’s SEO?  In the spirit of awards season for our favorite movies and TV shows, let’s explore, using some great quotes to guide us.

“If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.”

The business world has changed a lot in the last ten years, thanks to the proliferation of social media.  Don Draper from Mad Men coined the phrase above, but unfortunately, Mr. Draper
hadn’t foreseen a day when the consumer has just as much power to control the message about a company, as the company itself.  Social media gives companies a human voice, and allows for far more interaction at a personal level.

“With great power, comes great responsibility.”

Spiderman’s Uncle Ben wasn’t talking about brands using social media when he was talking with his nephew Peter Parker, but his quote holds true.  Posting to social media generates content on a page that links to your website, which Google views favorably when ranking search results.  A website may contain more keywords, but if you are the one with more social media engagement and updated content, you will get the higher bump.  Also, with consumers now having more access to companies on a much more visible level, as a business owner, the onus is on you to engage and interact, particularly if there’s an issue that needs addressed. 

“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

When Marlon Brando’s Don Corleone uttered one of the most iconic movie lines in history, he had no idea that it could be used in the marketing and social media world.  That would have been something, social media was still 30-ish years away from even being the apple of the internet’s eye.  Nonetheless, when stuck for something about which to post, don’t talk about you – talk about your customers!  We now know how important it is to keep up engagement, so take a page from Don Vito:  Make them an offer they can’t refuse.  If nothing else, tell them how they can find value in your business, how they need to come see you…or else.  Ok, maybe not that strongly, but you get the idea.  

“Carpe Diem.  Seize the day, boys.  Make your lives extraordinary!”

Social media isn’t something to just “sit down and do.”  Mr. Keating from Dead Poets Society challenged his students, and us, to constantly look at things in a different way, which means when cool moments happen at work, take advantage of them and share them with the world!  Own an auto repair shop and just got a rare old Porsche that pulled into your lot?  Have a small shop on a main street when a parade is going by?  These are all real, real-time moments that are great for driving social media engagement and interaction.  Grab that smartphone, snap a couple of pictures, and tell the world what’s going on!

“May the force be with you.”

Well, this one was obvious, but the message holds:  Get out there, engage, and reap the benefits!

Industry News

Paid Advertising and Mobile:  ¡Viva La Revolucion!

It seems like all things mobile are all the rage today, doesn’t it?  Well, it’s true…in April of 2015, for the first time ever, more Google searches were done on mobile devices than desktop computers.  That means people are searching for services on the go.  Having the power to reach people anywhere, at any time sounds pretty good, does it not?  Enter paid advertising, or PPC.  When you do a Google search, those are the items that appear on the top of your results with “Ad” next to them.  The only cost incurred to the advertiser is when someone clicks on the ad.  The
option is also there to pay per 1000 impressions, or “sets of eyeballs” that see the ad.

It doesn’t stop there, however, as Facebook has become a big player in paid advertising within its own platform.  Any time you are scrolling through your news feed, and you see a “Sponsored” update, that’s what it is.  Both services allow for targeted audiences to receive your message, while Google’s messages are largely text-based, Facebook’s are image-driven.

Paid advertising allows your message, promotion, or website to be exposed to a much greater audience, mostly of your choosing.  On mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive website keeps cost-per-click down and ensures your ad will be shown as much as possible.  For Facebook updates for business pages, photo and video are almost required in order to get a lot of organic (non-paid) exposure, so these are the best posts to promote to a larger audience.

Robintek’s SEO and PPC specialists help you understand the nuances of this ever-evolving world.  We’re happy to be of service to help you grow your business!