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SEO for Existing Businesses

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Established Businesses

Having an established business is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. It means you’ve provided value and served your customers and clients well. That doesn’t mean, however, that there’s no room for more new customers! Having a good web presence takes some time, and if you’ve neglected it, it can take a little while to catch up. Have no fear, though – here’s how you can widen your digital footprint to reach more potential customers.

A Strong Website

Has it been a few (or more) years since you’ve had your website redesigned? If it has been a while, your website might not be optimized for mobile. That can seriously hurt your digital presence. Since 2016, users access the internet more from mobile devices than desktop computers – and it didn’t take long for Google to adjust its algorithm to give priority to sites that were mobile responsive – and drop those that weren’t in its rankings.

In addition to responsiveness, quality content has become more and more important over the past couple of years as Google’s algorithm has continued to get more sophisticated. A couple sentences about your products or services aren’t enough anymore- now, it’s a best practice to have individual pages dedicated to these things, as well as case studies, white papers, photos – the more the better. Making sure the back end of the site has also been optimized for search engine optimization is incredibly important as well.

Accurate Local Information

Speaking of SEO, one of the main pillars is local listing management. Having accurate and consistent information about your company is something that has remained very important to Google throughout its search evolution. The longer your business has been around, the bigger the possibility there could be inaccurate information out there (particularly if you’ve ever moved) as well as duplicate locations.

A simple check of your business’ information can tell you how much cleanup needs to be done. This is also important for users finding your business on their mobile devices when they are nearby. Anytime a device asks if it can use your location, it’s looking for the best results as close to you as it can find. Make sure your information is accurate, and reap the benefits of those searches!

A Little Paid Boost

Google Ads and Facebook Ads have exploded in the past 5-10 years, with online space and positioning being more valuable than ever. With that, these platforms have also become far more robust and allow businesses to really drill down into the demographics of the users they’re trying to reach, including age, gender, income level, location, device, and more. Retargeting ads have become incredibly popular too – ever notice how you search for something on Amazon, then the next website you visit has an ad for that item right there? This is enhancing the online experience by delivering quality, relevant ad content to users – and you can do that too!

In addition to promoting your products, services, or just increasing brand awareness, you can give your website a boost by running a paid ad campaign on Google or Facebook. By establishing your audience, figuring out what phrases you want your ad to appear under, and determining how much you want to spend, you can effectively reach customers who will find your ads more relevant and drive up traffic and ultimately, conversions!

This may all seem a bit overwhelming, and that’s what Robintek is here for. Contact us today!