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With Facebook’s new algorithm designed to minimize the appearance of brand pages, having your information out there correctly and consistently means much more. The latest shift that Facebook has made gives more weight to posts from family and friends in an effort to show users more relevant content, and thus, will diminish non-engaging business page posts. Already, companies like digital publisher LittleThings have gone under, directly citing the tweak as the cause.

Organic reach for business pages on Facebook started declining several years ago, and the best way to combat that was (and frankly, still is) the paid advertising route. At the moment, one can reach a very broad audience on Facebook relatively inexpensively, but that is sure to change as more and more brands find their content squeezed out of people’s feeds.

This provides an excellent opportunity for a revised content strategy and more of a focus on local search. This can come in a couple of different forms; one, local listing management, which allows for your business’s name, address, phone number, and website URL to be updated for numerous directories to all be updated from one place, and two, more shareable content, such as blogs and video, that revolve around the area of your business that can be shared on social media. Not only will this create more backlinks for your business, it grows your digital footprint and makes you easier to find from many different sources!

On social media sites like Twitter and Instagram, you can geotag your posts, which reaches users searching for businesses near me, something that not only has grown exponentially in the last 4-5 years, but has even now prompted Google to essentially include that in searches for you by automatically showing you results near your location. For businesses with brick and mortar storefronts, this is imperative in the ever-growing competitive world of search. The more relevant you are to those searching near you, the more likely they are to find you.

Is your business easy to find online? Let’s get together and take a look!

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