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[nectar_dropcap color=”#1e5198″]W [/nectar_dropcap]ordPress is one of the most efficient website platforms in today’s market and with this comes the task of making sure it is highly secure and safe from any potential threats.

WordPress security is a topic of huge importance for every website owner. Each week, Google blacklists around 20,000 websites for malware and around 50,000 for phishing. (WP Beginner, 2018).

Visual appeal and functionality are crucial to the success of a website, but just as important are the steps taken to properly protect and maintain the site.

It’s necessary to always keep the WordPress Core Version up to date, along with any plugins and themes installed on the website. Staying on top of this will keep a website current with all of the latest software WordPress has to offer.

The basic software WordPress provides to all platform sites is safe but further action should usually be taken.

WordPress core software is very secure, and it’s audited regularly by hundreds of developers, there is a lot that can be done to harden your WordPress website. (WP Beginner, 2018).

WordPress offers an array of plugins that are available for free or for purchase, including a wide variety of security plugin options. Implementing an additional security plugin (such as iThemes Security) will enhance the overall stability and protection on a website. This is the best strategy for securing a website’s important information and any other business reputation that’s been established.

Having a backup plan, with anything in life, is never a bad idea. With WordPress, the platform offers plugins which allow websites to be backed up. If for any reason something went terribly wrong or a website was hacked, the backup is available. Plugins such as Updraft Plus are great for frequently backing up sites and having all files available if a restore is needed. It’s very good practice to consistently back up your website, especially if it’s updated on a regular basis with software and content.

We can help you secure your site today!

Here at Robintek, we offer WordPress security services around the clock, protecting your site and fighting off any potential wrongdoers. We are highly experienced with the WordPress platform, managing over 120 WordPress sites on a daily basis and continuing to grow every day. Each WordPress site we manage is fully equipped with iThemes Security Pro which we highly recommend. They’re closely monitored on a daily basis, making sure the entire site is secure and up to date with the latest releases.

Contact us today to learn more about our WordPress Security and Maintenance package!

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