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Bridge Credit Union Robintek Design

Bridge Credit Union

This site was converted from a single page into 70 fully responsive pages, integrating features from the old site like the ATM Finder and ConnectMore Calculator, with new features like the online Financial Wellness form. The following is a list of just some of the highlights from the new Bridge site.

Launch Site!

What We Did

This site features many pages built from custom designed templates, including the Home Page, Online Banking, Auto Loans, Credit Cards, Locations, Checking, Financial Wellness, and Lifestyle Services pages.

This site complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, meaning that it is accessible to people with a range of different disabilities or their assistive technologies that aid them in seeing, hearing, or navigating the site. Some examples of the ADA compliant features are readable color combinations, image alternative text tags, and additional link attributes.

Check out our ADA Compliance article!

The ATM finder on the Locations page features a print option that is fully styled to fit on 2 printer pages.

On the Home and Online Banking pages, if the user is viewing the site on an Android or Apple mobile device, a banner will appear at the top of the page with information about the Bridge mobile app. If the user clicks on the View button, they will be taken to the App Store or Google Play depending on their device to view and/or download the Bridge app.

The main header menu features a dropdown mega menu, with navigation, images, dynamic recent blog posts, and an online banking login form.

If the user searches for a term that is not found on the site, it will redirect them to this page. There is a message stating that No results matched your search, along with another site search box for users to try a different search keyword. This page also features links to the contact page, and the five most recent blog posts.

The home page features two different blog excerpt elements, both with different animated hover functionality that reveal more information.

When a user clicks on a link that will lead to another non-affiliate website, a popup box will appear letting the user know that they are leaving the current site. There is an option to click OK to leave the site, or Cancel to stay on the current site.

If the user gets to the wrong page accidentally, the message The page you were looking for was not found displays. There is a site search box, and links to the Home and Contact pages, to help users find the information they were looking for.

Content Management System

This website was created using the WordPress platform, which includes an easy-to-use Content Management System and an abundance of opportunities for growth and expansion.

Interested in your own WordPress website? View our WordPress designs!

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Mobile Responsive

In order to give users the best possible experience while visiting this site, we made it mobile responsive. This allows the site to be viewed on many different devices with ease.

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Custom Website Design

Having a website is crucial for business. Having an aesthetically pleasing website is just as important.

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We are Robintek, a website development company & digital agency based in Columbus, Ohio, focused on working one on one with you to take your ideas, and make them a reality.

Work with us to create a one of a kind website from the ground up to reflect your business.

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