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Robintek flag on Mount Kilimanjaro

Robintek Helps Our Clients Get Where They Want to Go!

by Joe Jorgenson

My favorite part of the work we do is helping people realize their dreams. Sometimes it’s making a hobby or side business ‘internet official’. Other times it’s a well-established business that wants to grow. Either way, I love getting to know new people and helping them along their journey. This new series is going to highlight some of Robintek’s clients and my friends on their adventures!

Milt Allen is one of my favorite people. His Doctor of Music Arts degree from The Ohio State University and his time serving as a Director of Bands there would be enough for me to find him fascinating. His charity work with The Music Guerrilla (teaching, empowering, and providing for young musicians and teachers in Haiti, Rwanda, Zambia and in underserved communities in the US like Compton and Dutch Harbor, Alaska) was enough to make me want to call Milt a friend, and to help in any way I could.

Mount Kilimanjaro

A few months ago, Milt shared that he was planning on climbing Mt Kilimanjaro! It was a lifelong ambition and he had finally made it a priority.

Mt Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano and the highest single free-standing mountain in the world. It’s also the highest mountain in Africa at nearly 20,000 ft above seal level. Jealous of his pending adventure in a year that has been void of such things, I immediately wanted to help. Robintek was able to sponsor part of Milt’s trip and we’ll continue to support his charity work at The Music Guerrilla!

Robintek Kilimanjaro Milt Allen

Watch out for more articles featuring our favorite clients and their adventures! If you’d like help getting where you want to go let us know. We can help!