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computer, laptop, mobile phone and digital tablet pc responsive layout design

Written by Lindsey Richardson, Web Developer

Technology is constantly improving and changing and because of that, so are websites! We have so many different options and technology has developed to Smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers that all come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. With the large variety and evolution of devices we have, if your website is not responsive you might want to consider it.

So what is a responsive website design?

To keep it simple, responsive design is the way the website appears on the device you are using. The website is built to displaHand holding smartphone on white background. Generic mobile smart phone, 3d rendery its content properly on a variety of different devices and orientations. When you open your site on your desktop screen, and let’s say this is a 23 screen, you are going to most likely see a full width image and content across the entire screen. But what if you are on your tablet and only have a screen size of 10. With a responsive design the website is built to recognize and accommodate to the device you are using.

What are the benefits of responsive design?

That’s easy, you can actually see the information you want to see on any device you may have! So rather than building multiple sites for every screen size out there, one website is built to respond properly for all devices and screen sizes. This is very convenient for visitors because all the information is still in view and the site remains easy to navigate. Although a responsive site may take a little more work to build, with so many devices available it is a must have for websites.

There are endless possibilities you have with responsive website design. Kayla Knight writes “But responsive web design is not only about adjustable screen resolutions and automatically re-sizable images, but rather about a whole new way of thinking about design.” In her article she covers Responsive design, what features it has and what additional ideas are to come.

Contact Robintek today to see what we can do to improve your website and make it responsive!