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illustration of a laptop, target, magnifying glass, and hour glass with sand running out on blue gradient background with the text overlay "New Year, New Website: how to tell if its time for a redesign"

Thinking about website updates for the New Year?

Here are some tips to tell if it’s time for a new website redesign.

With the start of a new year, you may be looking for opportunities to breathe some new life into your business and attract new customers. Since today’s consumer base is increasingly online, it makes sense to consider updating the design of your company’s website to keep things fresh.

While you might have spent a good deal of time, money, and effort into your existing design, if it’s not pulling in traffic, you could be missing out on major profits and clients.

If you’re considering a website redesign but aren’t sure where to start, here’s a list of questions you can ask to figure out if now’s the right time for a new look:

Does Your Site Look Outdated?

Since you likely view your website regularly and have a lot invested in it, it may be difficult for you to tell right away if your website design looks outdated.

Try comparing your website to a competitor’s site, or even just an unrelated website you visit regularly with a design that you admire. How does your company’s site stack up?

You can even enlist friends and family to browse your site and give you their honest feedback. Design trends tend to change rapidly, and an outdated-looking website is a surefire way to turn off potential customers. A fresh, modern design can do wonders to revitalize your business.

Is Your Navigation Confusing?

Clear, simple navigation is essential for your company’s website, to prevent customers from becoming frustrated and jumping ship.

Check your current menu to see if it makes sense and is easy to use. If not, you may want to redesign the structure of your menu or create an entirely new one from scratch. A poor user experience will almost certainly lead visitors to ditch your site for a competitor’s.

Is Your Site Mobile Friendly?

If your site isn’t easy to use on mobile with a responsive design, you’re seriously dropping the ball. In 2021, over half of all global users accessed the web exclusively through their phones, meaning if your site doesn’t work or doesn’t look attractive on mobile devices, you could be scaring off hordes of potential customers.

Do You Have a High Bounce Rate?

Are your visitors spending time on more than one page of your website? If not, that means your bounce rate could be high, which can lose you customers and lower your Google ranking.

A “normal” bounce rate depends on your industry, but if your bounce rate is higher than 50%, that’s a pretty good indication that something about your site design or user experience is off.

Is Your Website Secure?

With online privacy breaches on the rise, today’s customers demand high levels of security from the websites they visit and interact with.

An HTTPS protocol is fundamental for your site to protect the privacy of your visitors. Not having an encrypted network protocol like HTTPS can even negatively affect your SEO, so you’ll definitely need to consider the security of your site if you want to increase your visitor count.

Does Your Site Design Match Your Branding?

Most companies’ branding tends to evolve over time, in order to best reflect the company’s values and personality.

Check the colors, fonts, graphics, and other stylistic elements of your site. Does it match your current branding? If not, your website may not be best representing your company’s identity.

How’s Your Loading Speed?

The loading speed of your site doesn’t just affect the user experience – it affects your Google rankings as well. A slow loading time will have visitors leaving your site within seconds, and more than likely, lead them to a faster competitor.

Is It Time for an Update?

Once you’ve examined your existing website thoroughly, you may find that a web design refresh is the perfect way to begin the new year. Since your website is essentially the face of your company, you’ll want to make sure your redesign is effective, visually appealing, and fits your brand.

By partnering with Robintek, you can be certain your website redesign will exceed you and your customers’ expectations. Take a look at our extensive design portfolio for inspiration, and contact us for a free consultation today.