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tablet on blue background looking like the design is peeling off to reveal something new with the text "New Year's Website Refresh: tips to keep your website current for 2022"

8 Tips for Keeping Your Website Current

With the conclusion of December and the Christmas season, a month often filled with over-indulgence and mountains of stress, nothing feels quite as refreshing as the start of a brand-new year.

For most people, this involves beginning a new exercise regime or setting up a budget, but the new year can also be a great opportunity to rejuvenate something that might otherwise get overlooked: Your company’s website.

Even if your website has a top-notch design and is chock full of great content, there are always ways to improve and keep your site as up-to-date as possible. Here, we’ve compiled a list of the top 8 tips for keeping your site current in 2022.

minimal search icon with the text "Review your site" below it on a solid blue background

1. Review your existing site for broken links, plugins, engines, and more

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to audit your website for 404 errors, incorrect information, and other problems.

Although it may sound tedious, carefully combing through each page of your website for broken links and features, low-quality images, and any other kind of issues ensures that your visitors don’t run into these problems before you do, and potentially abandon your site for good.

minimal key icon with the text "Optimize with keywords" below it on a blue background

2. Make sure your keywords are up-to-date

Using keywords across your website is essential for optimizing SEO, raising your site ranking on Google, and driving traffic to your site.

Over time, relevant keywords can change, so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. You’ll want to regularly monitor the performance of existing keywords and identify where you may need to make some changes.

minimal white browser window with sparkling diamond icon with thext "update your site design"

3. Update your design

The internet moves fast these days, and website design trends move even faster. A visually appealing site design with user experience at the forefront is a major key to driving people to your website and keeping them engaged.

You certainly don’t have to update it every single year, but January is a great time to take a look at your site’s design and decide if it’s time for a little sprucing up.

white gear and stopwatch icon with the text "Check load time"

4. Check your page-load speed

When it comes to getting users to visit and stay on your site, a fast loading speed is absolutely vital.

Studies regularly show that visitors will ditch your website within seconds if it doesn’t load properly, abandoning your site (and possibly your company) permanently.

white responsive design icon showing desktop, tablet, and phone with the text "is your site mobile-friendly?"

5. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly

This should go without saying – c’mon, it’s 2022! – but your website must be mobile-friendly. The majority of users will access your site on their phones, and a glitchy interface or unpleasant format will have customers deserting your site instantly.

Not only should your site work on mobile, but it should also be optimized for mobile usage: for example, placing links closer to the bottom sides of the page, where your visitors scroll with their thumbs.

white laptop icon with lines representing text with the text "Add New content"

6. Add more content

To freshen up your site, you can always add more content. New blog posts can be added to beef up your SEO, drive traffic, and engage your visitors.

Additionally, incorporating videos, photos, and graphics is an effective way to build more visually interesting elements into your site and communicate with your customers.

white icon of two chain links on a minimal browser with the text "Utilize Internal Links"

7. Utilize internal links

Internally linking to different pages across your website is a great way to allow customers to explore all of your products and offerings.

By adding links to relevant information across your website, you can not only keep visitors on your site longer, but also amplify your Google rankings.

white desktop icon with two counter clockwise arrows in a circle with the text "Update Outdated Content"

8. Update your blog posts and outdated content

Your website may already offer a wealth of good content, but it’s important to go through what you have and update anything outdated, incorrect, or just plain boring.

Try to view your content through a new customer’s eyes and ask: Is this content holding my attention? Do I feel persuaded to choose my company over a competitor?

Ready for a little sprucing up?

A good refresh of your company’s website can do wonders for your site’s visibility and impact, but we understand that many businesses don’t have the time or resources to tackle such an undertaking.

If you’re considering a site refresh for the new year and are looking for an experienced, sophisticated authority on web design and development to assist with your project, look no further than Robintek. With a quick refresh, you can breathe new life into your website, keep your customers hooked, and boost your SEO all at once!