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Creating eCommerce Product Pages

In today’s competitive market, there are limitless ways to sell your company’s products online. Free eCommerce platforms, custom-designed eCommerce websites, and social media sites allow businesses of all sizes to sell their products and services directly to their customers. But not all eCommerce sites, especially their product pages, are created equal.

Customers that visit your individual product pages are often towards the bottom of the sales funnel and considering purchasing from your business. But if your product pages are disorganized, unclear, slow, or difficult to navigate, you could be losing out on customers who would have otherwise followed through with an order.

Ensuring that your product pages are compelling and informative is essential to any good eCommerce site. But what are the main components of a great product page that sells?

Robintek Product Photography

Use high-resolution product photography

The product photos you use on your site should be high-quality, clear, and compelling. They should be large enough to show the small details of your product and be edited properly to best show off the item.

Images that are too small or blurry will turn your customers off from making a purchase. Your photos should be high resolution and show the product at different angles, so your customers know exactly what they’re getting.

Include clear product descriptions

Your product descriptions should be crisp, clear, and informative. They should be kept short while including relevant keywords for SEO purposes, as well as incorporating your unique brand voice. Make sure to also utilize headings, subheadings, and bullet points. This will make the text easy to skim and help the most important information stand out.

You should list all the features of your product, but, more than that, it’s critical that you describe your product’s benefits. You want your customers to know now only what your product is and what it does, but how it can specifically improve their lives. Invoking a personal, emotional response in your copy is one of the most effective ways to sell your product.

Call to Action CTA

Add calls-to-action (CTAs)

An obvious call to action (CTA) for your product page is a “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” button. This ensures that, if the visitor likes what they see, they can make a purchase right away. The CTA should be clear and stand out on the page, so it is easily visible and accessible.

You can also add CTAs for out-of-stock products, to send customers an email when the item is back in store. In addition, you can add an email newsletter sign-up in the footer of the page so customers can stay in touch with your brand, even if they decide not to make a purchase that same day.

Incorporate video

If possible, including a short video of your product can go a long way toward convincing your customer to make a purchase. Especially for products that are more technical or have lots of different important features, an informative video can help customers make the decision to buy.

Customer Reviews on Product Pages

Provide customer reviews

Incorporating customer reviews into your product page also helps your customers decide on a purchase. Good reviews demonstrate the value of your product. Your company can also directly address negative reviews on your site to show your customers you are active, engaged, and listening to their feedback.

Allowing customers to upload their own photos of themselves with your product can also be a powerful way of demonstrating the benefits of your products. When your customers see other people enthusiastically using and showing off your product, they will be more likely to choose you.

Focus on user experience

All these elements should work together, along with your website design, to provide an optimal user experience for your customers. Even if you have the most beautiful product photos, a captivating description, and an excellent discount, your customers won’t make a purchase if they can’t get your website to work.

Your user experience is critical when it comes to the purchase process. Ensure your site is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and allows your customer to smoothly make a purchase from beginning to end.

Product Page eCommerce website design

Your product page design can make or break a purchase

Even customers who are set on purchasing your product before they visit your site may abandon their cart if they experience issues when trying to make a purchase. But taking the time to ensure that every single product page is optimized effectively is time-consuming, especially if you have a large catalog of products.

At Robintek, we have decades of experience designing eCommerce websites and product pages. We help companies incorporate platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce into their sites or create customized eCommerce websites from scratch. Request a consultation to learn how Robintek can maximize your eCommerce website’s performance today.

Who We Are

Robintek is a web design company in Columbus, Ohio. From marketing to product photography to UX improvements, our team can help take your eCommerce website to the next level. We provide custom design, multimedia, and content creation services to help you build effective product pages, marketing materials, and more.

Since 1998, Robintek has been serving more than 600 clients across the nation to help them grow their businesses. Our skilled designers and developers can build custom digital solutions to elevate your brand, like logo design, SEO, web applications, and much more. Contact us today to learn more about what Robintek can do for your company.